Thinking Portfolio is een Fins softwarehuis dat haar klanten, oplossingen biedt voor het beheer van hun portfolio. Mogelijke portfolio’s zijn bv.: Project-, Applicatie-, Risico- en Serviceportfolio’s. Thinking Portfolio heeft klanten in meer dan 50 landen met meer dan 400.000 gebruikers. Wij hebben vertegenwoordigers in Finland, Zweden, Nederland, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Slovenië en Zwitserland. Thinking Portfolio is een Cloud service.
PMO Institute has collaborated with Thinking Portfolio in the Netherlands since 2012. The experts at PMO Institute have succesfully implemented the Project Portfoliomanagement solutions of Thinking Portfolio at more than 25 clients. Our people have a unique combination of knowledge and experience in Project Portfoliomanagement and PMO-tooling.
The customers of PMO Institute are in Central Government, Municipalities and their Shared Service Centres, Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences, Hospitals, Industry and Retail.
We are members of the following project associations:

The Association of Project Professionals Finland (Projektiammattilaiset ry) is an independent association for all project management professionals. They network people working in project management all around Finland so they can grow and develop their project management skills and career.
Certificates and classifications