About Us
We help our customers make better decisions.
At Thinking Portfolio, we provide tools for our customers to manage strategic portfolio management. Our company was founded in 2001, initially focused on project consulting. Since 2006, we have concentrated on a SaaS service tailored to our customers’ needs.
Our main products are Project, Risk, Application, and Service Portfolios. Our platform solution is industry-independent, drawing from over 300 portfolio experiences and best practices. Our pricing model is user-based. Portfolio development originated from customer needs and remains our focus. Customer feedback strongly influences our product development, with weekly updates to our platform.
Our customers include large and medium-sized companies and public sector organizations. Many longstanding customers have been with us since the beginning. A significant portion of our Finnish customers are multinational corporations.
Thinking Portfolio is an easily approachable, reliable, and customer-centric partner. These values are evident in all our operations, and our customers have given us an NPS score of 72 in 2024.
Our diverse team shares a desire for collective growth and a passion for portfolio management. There are over thirty of us ‘Thinkkarians.’ All portfolios are securely produced in Finland. Over a decade-long partnership has established Thinking Portfolio’s position in the Netherlands. Additionally, our portfolios are used in over fifty other countries, with over 500,000 users.
Marketing and partnership
We are members of the following project associations:

The Association of Project Professionals Finland (Projektiammattilaiset ry) is an independent association for all project management professionals. They network people working in project management all around Finland so they can grow and develop their project management skills and career.
Certificates and classifications