Basic Information
Many organizations take a dominantly technical view on their IT systems and services. What they lack is a comprehensive picture of the systems from a strategic point of view. No technical information will tell them if they have the right systems and services in place. With Thinking Portfolio the management team, application owners and users, and the IT management are able to communicate about the business value of IT systems.
Thinking Portfolio is an online application for managing the totality of IT applications at the strategic level. It contains information that links ICT applications to business goals. It contains, among others, the following information:
- Basic info
- Position in service architecture
- Priority and criticality
- Business positioning
- Risk analysis
- Cash flow
- Conformity to requirements
- Need for change
- Dependencies with other applications
- User information
- Supplier information
- ICT management information
- Life cycle information
- Application/service diary
Our clients have reported the following benefits of using Thinking Portfolio:
- Business and IT management have a common ground for discussion
- Business management can communicate solution needs better than before
- ICT management has a clearer picture of the future of the service/application base
- The business performance of applications becomes evident
- IT information is accessible throughout the organization and its maintenance is straightforward
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Customer Case Studies
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Thinking Portfolio Presentations
Introduction to Thinking Portfolio Risk Portfolio, Anssi Nevalainen, Thinking Portfolio
Keynote: Using Gamification and Simulation to Learn Project Business Skills, Matti Koivisto, XAMK
Portfolio Management Trends 2025 Survey, Tyyne Taunila, Thinking Portfolio