Basic Information
Thinking Portfolio® is a practical platform for M&A (Merger & Acquisition) market, and competitor insights and information. Keep your information in one portfolio to manage discovery, analysis and follow-up actions. Gain an up-to-date view of the current market situation – all in one place.
A platform for M&A Management may be needed when:
- Reporting on M&A targets or market information is necessary for the stakeholders.
- A change in business environment requires continuous market and competitor information analysis.
- Numerous &A targets or other dimensions of market information must be recorded and followed.
- Common procedures in information management are required to gain effectiveness, efficiency and quality.
- Making informed decisions and prioritisation require up-to-date information.
- Employees need to be empowered in information management or a decentralised process is needed for efficient information gathering and updates.
- The lifecycle of the M&A targets need to be managed.
- Improved information and document management is required for M&A management.
The Thinking Portfolio M&A Portfolio is intended to be used by whole company personnel or dedicated experts of area. There can be many types of users that may include:
- All organisation stakeholders who may be appointed and discover new opportunities and analysis – evaluation may be even crowd-sourced. The Thinking Portfolio platform does not limit the number of users nor has extra fees per user. External personnel may be involved as stakeholders in the platform.
- M&A Manager and M&A personnel who are responsible for reporting targets. Information management may be de-centralised, but the common tools and practices make the process more aligned and the results may be analysed on a portfolio level.
- The Management Users, who may be responsible for some area or M&A activities. Managers usually makes the decisions on how the M&A information is reported and will be managed.
- Administrative Users are the janitors of the platform at the user organisation. They may not have a role in managing M&A activities but may administrate the process. They can make changes on the platform as the organisation and the business environment evolve.
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Hyvä projektisalkun resurssisuunnittelu ja tuntikirjaukset sekä raportointi käytännössä
Hyvä Projektisalkunhallinta ja sen johtaminen Helenillä, Sami Mustonen, Helen
Kehitysprojektisalkun johtaminen ja jatkuva kehittäminen Metropoliassa, Kimmo Virta, Metropolia