Basic Information
Thinking Portfolio® is a practical platform for strategy formalization and execution. Keep your strategic elements in one portfolio to manage strategy execution. Gain an up-to-date view of the current situation – all in one place.
Thinking Portfolio® is the tool for making the right decisions. It is a practical tool for strategic management. The portfolio management model supports business-driven planning and decision-making based on a firm overall grasp.
Thinking Portfolio has been developed by utilizing the latest Web technology.
The browser interface work with the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and with leading tablets.
The technical solution facilitates the implementation of various portfolio management applications. The portfolio application presented here is a strategic level management tool for development projects.
The starting points for the development of the concept have been project work and international frameworks for portfolio management such as PRINCE2, PMBOK and SAFe.
An organization implementing Thinking Portfolio is well-equipped for fast decision-making, agile change management, enhanced business drivenness, and risk management.
Thinking Portfolio’s straightforward visual presentation method and browser-based user interface speed up its adoption. The use of the system requires no special training or manuals.
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