This is what you’ve been waiting for! Thinking Portfolio User Day will once again gather a full house of portfolio management enthusiasts in Helsinki Musiikkitalo.
At this year’s event, our customers from QOCO Systems, OP, SSAB and the City of Riihimäki will share their best tips and lessons learned on developing portfolio management. The keynote speech will be given by Leiden University from the Netherlands.
This year again, you can attend the event either on-site at the Musiikkitalo or remotely via the live streaming team. The event is free of charge.
In addition to customer presentations, the event will feature presentations from Thinking Portfolio experts on how to implement ideas in alignment with strategy, and the outlook for Thinking Portfolio’s platform development and reporting renewal as well as an interesting panel discussion on changing decision-making.
Keynote presentation and panel discussion will be conducted in English. Other presentations will be held in Finnish.
Date: 31.1.2024 at. 9:00-16:00 EET. Registration from 8:15am, programme from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Place: Musiikkitalo, Paavo-sali, Mannerheimintie 13 A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Anna-Riikka Hovi-Taunila
Thinking Portfolio

Keynote: Old dog, new tricks.
Changing the way of working within a 450 year old organization when it comes to project portfolio management. We will share our experiences, lessons learned and ambitions moving forward.
Ms Kim Colman, Portfolio Manager
Leiden University
The University started implementing Thinking Portfolio in 2019 and we are continually aligning the way of working and needs of the organization with the functionalities and possibilities of the tool.

CASE SSAB: Experiences on continuous development of project portfolio (presentation in Finnish)
Antti Piirainen, Head of PMO, Europe division, SSAB Europe Oy
10:15 – 10:45

Thinking Portfolio outlook for platform development and reporting renewal (presentation in Finnish)
Keijo Karhu, Head of Technology, Thinking Portfolio
Mikko Itkonen, Application Consultant, Thinking Portfolio

CASE QOCO: Thinking Portfolio project portfolio brings efficiency to customer project management (presentation in Finnish)
Heli Kivisoja, Head of Customer Onboarding, QOCO Systems Ltd

12:00 – 13:00

CASE OP: Modernisation of Legacy systems supported by Thinking Portfolion Application portfolio (presentation in Finnish)
- Supporting business with Application portfolio
- Supporting application architecture in Application portfolio
- Supporting regulatory requirements management with Application portfolio
- Application lifecycle management in Application portfolio
Jarmo Laine, Enterprise Architect, OP, Enterprise Architecture, Arkkitehtuuriohjaus

A strategy for a portfolio: choosing the right ideas and implementing them successfully (presentation in Finnish)
Anssi Nevalainen, Portfolio Advisor, Team Lead, Thinking Portfolio
14:10 – 14:40

CASE RIIHIMÄEN KAUPUNKI: Thinking Portfolio supports methodological skills in project management (presentation in Finnish)
Mira Ahjoniemi, Projektipäällikkö, Hankeohjaus (PMO) / Kehittämisyksikkö

Changing decision-making and portfolio management, panel discussion (in English)

Anna-Riikka Hovi-Taunila
Thinking Portfolio